New Era HR Blog

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Every day approximately 685 workers’ compensation claims are accepted for work related injuries and illnesses (250,000 per year) in Washington State. Every week there is approximately 2 work related deaths in Washington State. Indirect costs of workplace injuries are unknowable but include loss of quality of life, personal financial ruin, and loss of productivity, morale,… Read more »


Do your managers put new hires into a position of success or failure? Are you constantly having turnover with your employees? With the time and cost to replace workers, you may want to reconsider how you handle new hires.


Stress is usually viewed as a negative influence on employees, but some stress is not always bad. In fact, stress can be used to keep your team at peak performance, helping them discover creative solutions for your company. Click here to read full newsletter.


Raising the minimum wage is a sneaky method for raising revenue for the State without directly raising taxes on businesses or on the individual. In fact, it is cloaked with an altruist sense of “righteousness” which makes it hard to see the sinister side of this action. State Unemployment taxes (SUTA) and Federal Unemployment taxes… Read more »


Life isn’t easy, and that’s true for everyone whether you want to believe it or not. It’s just that some people work hard to solve their problems, while others would rather make excuses and play the role of victim. Click here to view the newsletter.


Consumer Price Index for Washington state employers is forcing another bump upwards in the minimum wage. Starting January 1, 2014 the minimum wage will be $9.32 up thirteen cents per hour. Residents of SeaTac approved a $15.00/hour minimum wage which will impact the wages of hotel and airport employees. Washington State has the highest minimum… Read more »


Obama and his cronies in DC that are so concerned about the health and well being of the lower and middle class people should know the facts about the direct impact of unemployment and uncertainty on the demand for health care. The anxiety created by these conditions actually causes people to feel sick driving them… Read more »