When you’ve been searching for a job, getting an offer is really exciting! The only problem is, what happens if that offer comes from a company you’re not excited about working for at all? If you get any job offer, you may be tempted to take it – especially if the job pays well. But, just because a company offers you a job does not mean you have to accept. In fact, there’s no shame in saying no and declining a job if it’s not a good fit.
Turning down a job offer can actually help advance your career in important ways when the position wasn’t right for you. Here are a few key reasons why turning down an offer can be the smartest move.
You won’t excel in a job you’re unhappy in.
You want to perform well at your job so you can earn a good reference or have a chance at getting promoted and advancing in your career. Unfortunately, if you are unhappy at work, you aren’t going to perform well. You don’t want to accept a job where you’re not a good fit and end up hating it. You also don’t want to get fired because you aren’t able to perform the tasks.
Leaving a job quickly after getting hired is worse on your resume.
If you take a job and find you cannot stand going to work every day, chances are good you will be looking for any possible way to get out. If another option comes up, you’ll be tempted to leave the organization where you’re currently working. Unfortunately, this kind of job hopping can look bad on your resume and it should be avoided whenever possible.
It’s a great job market right now.
Unemployment is at a record low compared with recent years and wages are rising. If you turn down the current opportunity, chances are good another opportunity will come your way sooner rather than later.
If you’ve turned down a job offer because it wasn’t a good fit, the good news is there’s still a great job out there waiting for you. New Era HR Solutions can help you find it, so contact one of our staffing specialists today or check our free resources to improve your job search!