

With the internet more accessible than ever, the hiring process has become more difficult. Ask any recruiter – within minutes of a job posting, their desk might be full of 100 unqualified resumes.

Recruiters are more leery of wasting time, but it is becoming harder to sift through potential hires to find that perfect match. As the commercial world becomes smaller, successful recruiters will take advantage of many tools to spot a bad hire and streamline the hiring process.


One of the most important characteristics of a new hire is the ability to follow directions. Although some traditionalists may decry the onset of automation as the death knell of creative hires, proponents see it differently.

Sending your prospect hires through a round of automated screening will cull your rolls drastically. Setting the rules and programming the algorithm to get rid of prospects that don’t follow those rules is one way to limit your personal time to serious applicants only

Video Responses

The video response is a great way to give yourself time to respond to a large number of applicants. Unlike written applications, you can sift through video at your own pace and in your own environment. This helps you save office time for day-to-day operations without losing time on the hiring process.

It is also much easier to get an idea of who a person is through a video response. A live response does not give the applicant a chance to ‘audition’ or craft a euphemism for critical points.

Conducting Interviews Through the Relevant Medium

This technique kills two birds with one stone. First, if you conduct interviews through email, over the phone or using video technology, you save time. Second, you test the efficacy of that person over the medium, which is important for certain jobs.

For instance, if you are hiring for a sales job, that prospect will be on the phone a great deal. It makes sense to test their phone skills by conducting the first interview over the phone. If you are hiring for a remote position, then you definitely want to test your candidate using Skype, or GoToMeeting.

Spotting a Bad Hire

Using one or all of the techniques above allows you to spot a bad hire a mile away. How? These unorthodox interview methods knock a prospect out of their comfort zone. Prospects who cannot follow directions during the hiring process likely will not be able to follow directions once hired.

You also avoid new hires who may have trouble with technology. No matter the job these days, technology is a part of it. Anyone who has trouble with a hiring process that includes the above methods may have performance issues if hired.

Lastly, these processes force candidates to present themselves in a more creative and less stilted way. Not only do you get to see the candidate’s technical prowess, you also get to take a look at personality, communication skills and appearance. You get all of this information before ever letting a candidate into your office, which will definitely save you time and reduce your chances at a bad hire!

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Are you looking for employees who are talented, creative and have professional social media profiles? Contact our staffing experts today to learn more New Era HR Solutions services!


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