Nobody’s perfect. And that means we occasionally make decisions that affect us negatively. One such case is when we quit a job and regret it. Sometimes the new venture doesn’t work out or the opportunity you thought would happen simply never materializes. But does that mean it’s the end of the world? If you’ve quit a job and wish you hadn’t, can you ask for that job back? You certainly won’t have the opportunity if you don’t ask, but you need to know how to approach your old company effectively. Here are a few things you need to know about asking for your job back.
Review How You Left
Take a look at your last interactions with your former employer. If you left on good terms after giving ample notice, you’re in a good position to start with. If there were complications or challenges, you may want to reevaluate how you want to approach it.
Maintain Connections with Co-Workers
Reach out to your co-workers. These are people you interacted with regularly and maintained a good relationship with while you were on the job. Keeping in touch with people you worked with previously will give you access to the company again in the future.
Follow The Company Online
Social media, such as LinkedIn and Facebook, is a great way to keep connected to your previous company. Don’t unfollow them. Review their sites to see what they’re up to currently and get the most recent information which can help you enter back into negotiations.
Start With a Thoughtful Email
If you’re ready to ask for your job back, start with an email to your former boss. Email is a good low-impact way to open the conversation. Let them know you’re available again and remind them of your positive experience with the company. Be sure to ask for a meeting.
Prepare an Explanation
Before you meet with your former employer face to face, take some time to prepare your explanation. Why do you want your job back? What can you do to benefit them if they rehire you? How will you recommit yourself to the company? Why do you prefer returning to them? They want to know why they’re your top choice.
Keep a Plan B in Place
Sometimes when you leave a job, you learn the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. You may be able to get back into your old organization after several conversations, but there are no guarantees in life. If your old job is no longer available or they aren’t able to hire you in another capacity, be sure to keep Plan B in place. One good way is to apply with a staffing agency to keep options open.
Do You Need to Find a Plan B?
Contact the staffing experts at New Era HR Solutions for jobs in Washington.