Leading From Strength


Think about what is RIGHT with people rather than what is wrong.

Staffing & HR Solutions

Empower Others To Succeed By Doing What They Do Best!

Organizations transform when managers start asking the question, “What will happen when we think about what is RIGHT with people rather than FIXATING on what is WRONG with them?” Studies have shown that when leaders focus on individuals’ strengths, their employees are 8x more likely to be engaged, which is proven to lead to increased productivity and profitability of the organization. In this workshop, participants will gain personal insights regarding their strengths and how to develop and leverage those strengths to help their team and organization accomplish great things.

Workshop Concepts: 

  • Raise awareness of personal strengths as a leader and the strengths of others around you.
  • Determine which of strengths you can use to help support the success of the organization and your team.
  • Provide a framework to help leaders identify team strengths.

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